Joe the Distractor

Opinion, Politics

Written And Submitted By George McClellan


The glacial speed with which Joe Biden consulted his note book to find the prepared answers to softball questions from pre-selected left-wing alleged journalists at his first ‘presser,’ belies the flank speed with which the Democrat-Marxist cartel who runs his administration, is pushing America into the hands of the socialist New World Order crowd starting with HR-1, FederalizingĀ  all of Americas 10th Amendment granted voting rules. The DC Swamp is quickly refilling!


Forget Joe Biden. Forget what he utters, forget he’s really a phony CiC, and view him as a Tim Conway like character only there to distract us away from our real problems, the Left’s continuing pursuit of the destruction of our God given, Constitutionally protected rights best served under a conservative Representative form of government, not the totalitarian state Pelosi and Schumer are trying to impose. We’re somewhere in the middle of the completion of the UN’s Agenda 21 Project to do just that!Ā  Have we forgotten it already?Ā 


Are Americans now so gun shy that we’re afraid to stand up and resist these really silly crackpot social reengineering schemes so beloved by Democrats?Ā  Are the majority of Americans now so afraid of defending the centuries of historic accomplishments by our Anglo-Saxon, Celtic, Germanic, Slavic, Roman-Italian Christian ancestors they we’re willing to fall prey to the Lefts loud screams of racism and Islamaphobia? This is a political issue, not a racial one. If we are supposed to be ashamed of being White, then why do so many White Conservatives welcome politically reborn Black and Latino citizens into our ranks?Ā  Ask this question: Why do so many White Liberals want us to accept a political system that has failed every time and every where it has been tried, except when under the heel of oppressive State surveillance like China uses?

Have American become so frightened by the blathering’s of a small fraction of our populations Liberal weirdo’s threatening our history and culture, that we won’t stand up and defend it?Ā  Are we willing to circle up like a flock of frightened sheep so we don’t stand out for personal ridicule and abuse? It appears we are!


If our government is supposedly one that operates by the “Consent by the People,” then by whose consent does Pelosi and Chucky Schumer presume that American’s want to dwell happily together in an imposed government of ‘equity’ as “Comrades?” By whose consent must we meekly surrender our means of self defense and other rights, from the hoards of criminals who will not surrender their guns at all? The government won’t protect us. They won’t even protect us from the clear specter of fraudulent national elections.Ā  And then we’re gifted with watching poor ol Joe at his first press conference, distracting us with his stumbling BS about how many millions of vaccinations his administration has administered, how face masks are essential, hoe awful President Trump really was, some weird nonsense about a President Harris and, there is no crisis at our southern border while the media fawns over his brilliance.


These issues come up daily and questions about them are ridiculed by the media because they don’t fit the Leftist agenda. And even then, in the face of incontrovertible evidence to the contrary they are still shameless in reversing, ignoring or staging counter arguments that belies the truth with outright lying and manipulation of video evidence. It also proves that Joseph Goebbels was right: “Tell a lie often enough and it will be become the truthā€¦” Its pure propaganda as an art form and comes at us like a malicious steamroller, nearly invincible, almost unstoppable and, if we don’t take corrective action soon, like right now, surely inevitable!Ā  Don’t let Joe distract us from the dangers! He’s a putz and will soon be gone. Then the real assault on internal American rights, western civilization and culture and our history will begin.Ā 

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em! (27Mar21)

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